Amanul Hoque
Amanul Hoque
1. PhD (Pursuing), Fluid Mechanics, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Completed the course works and Research works is going on the titleTurbulent Flow Modelling in Porous Media, Session 2019-2020. 2. Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), Theoretical Physics (Quantum Mechanics), Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Awarded March 08, 2020. 3. MS, Pure Mathematics, University of Chittagong, CGPA 3.79 out of 4, 2003, A. F. Mujibur Rahman Foundation Gold Medal Award for First Position 4. BSc (Hons), Mathematics, University of Chittagong, CGPA 3.58 out of 4, 2002, University Scholarship Awarded 5. HSC, Science, Cox'sbazar Government College, Second Division, 1997 6. SSC, Science, Eidgah Model High School, First Division, 1994 Assistant Professor in Mathematics Computer and Communication Engineering Mobile: 01818673657 [email protected], [email protected] |
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